The guide team went out early this morning for terrain recon and to check conditions for the day.
We found the same rime/ temperature crust as we did yesterday morning which had become thicker during the overnight hours due to the warm current daytime temperatures and a surface freeze overnight.
Guests hit their run guarantee of 18 runs yesterday, skiing 10 runs Friday and 8 runs Saturday, we made the decision to not offer skiing today due to the challenging surface conditions.
Once guests departed, the guide crew went for an additional recon into terrain not yet skied in the 2024 season in the southern part of the range.
We found a warming surface with smooth skiing and no presence of the rime crust, a relief and confidence for the coming tour.
With the current temperatures across the west, it feels more like spring than the end of January.
16 guests arrive this evening, all here at Ruby for the first time.
Welcome to the show.